tesa trendpapier 9 / Idee 1: Pinnwand / Aufmacher quer

Unique wall decoration - Pastel pinboard

Colorful ideas. A fine illusion. This 3-D corkboard cube is a unique wall decoration – and very practical.

Difficulty Level For ambitious hands
Duration 10

We need:

Cork pinboard, 50 x 100 cm, 10 mm thick; diagram cutter ruler set square pencil cutting surface brush yellow and light blue crafting paint tesa® masking tape PRECISION INDOOR (25 mm)

How we do it:

DIY Pastel Pinboard / Step 1: Paint

01Trace the diagram on the back side of the corkboard

Trace the diagram to scale on the back of the corkboard and use the cutter to cut out the shape. Trace the inside line in pencil on the front side. Mark out an area with tesa® making tape PRECISION INDOOR and paint it yellow.

DIY Pastel Pinboard / Step 2: Remove

02Remove the tape

Remove the tape; after it's dry, mark off the 2nd area and paint it light blue. Remove the tape and leave to dry.