Tackling the global climate crisis and accelerating positive change are central elements of our committment. Our mission to reduce global emissions includes upstream and downstream processes as well as our own production. Green energy is a key pillar of our commitment. Since 2020, we have sourced 100 percent of our purchased electricity from renewable energy sources. In addition to reducing fossil-based energy consumption, increasing energy efficiency also plays an important role. To achieve this goal, we are implementing technologies that are particularly efficient in conserving resources and energy.

We do: Reduce emissions
For a climate-neutral future
Our long term strategic goal:
Net-zero greenhouse gas emissions
Major sustainability targets 2030
Climate neutral production (Scope 1 and 2) versus base year 2018.
Status 2023: -38%
Our indirect supply chain emissions will be reduced by at least 20% (Scope 3) versus base year 2018.
Status 2023: -15%
What do you think?
Stories about how we reduce emissions
At tesa, we have made sustainability a priority and are working on this important transformation of our company. There is a lot of work to be done to make a company more sustainable, and we want to use our expertise and our passion to tackle all of it: How we operate, how products are made, how we choose suppliers and raw materials, and how we think and act all need to become more sustainable. To see what we are working on, take a look at our stories.