Glue sticks – everyday helpers in the home or office

Glue Sticks – Simply Paste It

We have been proven specialists for all kinds of adhesive solutions for decades and are known around the world. Our glue sticks meet our high quality demands and keep their promises, due to the superior tesa adhesive quality. Our range offers you glue sticks for countless applications. Glue sticks – everyday helpers that should be in every home, office and school.


Our Glue Sticks Provide a Secure Hold

Find out more about our glues

Like all our adhesive solutions, tesa® glue sticks offer enormous sticking power and are perfectly suited for gluing paper and cardboard. A further characteristic in common with our other products is ease of use, which always has a high priority in our product development. You can rely entirely on our experience and the proven tesa adhesive technology. Our glue sticks are indispensable everyday helpers and should be in every home, office or pencil case. Glue sticks – a smart solution for any application!

tesa glue sticks are friendly to the environment and also to you, they are non toxic, solvent free and can be washed out of clothes in a 30° wash. They also benefit from tesa's responsibility to the environment and carry the ecoLogo® which indicates that these glue sticks are produced using sustainable materials and their packaging is made from recycled and recyclable materials.

Our triangular tesa Easy Stick glue stick is not only pleasing to the eye, its triangular shape offers many benefits. It is easy to lose count how many times your round glue stick rolls off your desk when you need it most, or how the round edge overlaps the paper onto your table, with a triangular tesa Easy Stick, there is no more rolling from the desk and due to the points of the triangle you can precisely glue right into the corner of what ever material you are gluing