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Fight the flames


As a strongly innovative company, tesa thrives on hot ideas for new adhesive tapes. For one of the latest inventions, however, this definition should not be taken literally, because we developed flame-retardant tapes. Above all, these tapes help manufacturers in the transport sector and in the building industry to comply with fire protection regulations, also because they do not contain harmful halogens.

Adhesive tape that self-extinguishes in the event of a fire – is that even possible? Our product and development team at tesa asked themselves this question and found the answer with tesa® flameXtinct. This new tape assortment is flame retardant, which means that it does not have a fire contributing effect compared to conventional products, but rather extinguishes itself after a short time. Furthermore, these adhesive tapes do not contain halogens with the positive effect: In the event of a fire, less toxic smoke is produced, which is the main source of health hazards during fire incidents. By not using halogens, tesa is also fully in line with international guidelines that are increasingly limiting the use of flame retardants containing bromine or chlorine, for example.

On water, in the air, on land

There are plenty of potential application areas for flame-retardant tapes, especially where stricter fire protection regulations apply: in aircrafts (for example, in toilet cabins, between interior and exterior paneling, under carpets), on ships, in trains or in (electric) cars. In addition to the mobility and transportation sector, the innovation may also ensure more safety in buildings. A well-known elevator manufacturer is already using tesa® flameXtinct to bond stiffening elements to elevator doors. "Thanks to these products, we can make an effective contribution to protecting health and life as well as objects and valuables," says product manager Wilhelm Watzke. The portfolio currently includes four adhesive tapes in different thicknesses and structures, depending on the application requirements. The tapes come with tesa’s proven quality, modified to include the new property of being flame retardant.

Wilhelm Watzke, Product Manager
Thanks to these products, we can make an effective contribution to protecting health and life as well as objects and valuables.
Wilhelm Watzke

Product Manager

Try, try again

The global product launch in October was preceded by intense development work. "We collaborated with a team including colleagues from different areas on an agile project,” said Heike Simonis, product developer for tesa’s Industrial Growth Markets group. “Our single task was to develop a non-flammable adhesive tape with good adhesion and without the addition of halogens." Simonis remembers the breakthrough for the innovation after one of the approximately 150 mixed adhesive formulas proved to be the most effective.


Dr. Felix Budde, member of the research team, working in the lab.
Dr. Felix Budde, member of the research team, working in the lab.

After many tests in the fire-protection-compliant 200 cm3 box, the end result was: 'fire test' successfully concluded. "We then simulated the production of the adhesive tapes on a small scale in our technology center," says Simonis. Today, tesa® flameXtinct is being mass-produced and delivered to customers all over the world. "Further flame-retardant adhesive tapes are about to be launched and will expand the assortment in the near future," said Watzke.

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Find out more about our flame retardant and halogen-free tape solutions

Fire protection

Fire protection is regulated very differently around the world, with companies generally having higher requirements than private households. The economic consequences of fires are enormous: In Germany alone, the economic damage caused by fire is estimated at several billion Euro annually. One in three fires in businesses amounts to more than 500,000 Euro in property damage. Common causes of fire are technical defects (mainly electrical), open fire, work involving a fire hazard, negligence in human behavior or arson. When it comes to fire protection, a basic distinction is made between preventive (structural, technical, organizational) and defensive measures (taken by a fire brigade in the event of a fire: extinguishing, preventing collateral damage from smoke, extinguishing water or technical failures).

Sources: bvbf-brandschutz.de / juraforum. en