Dr. Norman Goldberg

Editorial Sustainability Report 2022

Dear readers,

For more than 125 years, tesa has been working on improving our customers’ operations, products and lives in a sustainable way with the help of innovative adhesive solutions. In 2022, we further increased the importance of our sustainability strategy with five highly ambitious action areas. We have made sustainability a priority for tesa and are working on this important transformation of our business with greater speed and urgency than previously planned. We intend to use our expertise and passion to develop adhesive solutions and products that are more sustainable.

Our mission is to increase the pace at which we reduce emissions, vastly improve the sustainability of our products and packaging and ensure responsible sourcing. We have begun to extensively optimize our manufacturing processes at our plants and aim to achieve climate-neutral production by 2030. In the coming years, we will also be investing millions in research projects, knowledge, sustainable materials and our production facilities. We have been involved in the "Business Ambition for 1.5°C initiative" since 2006. We have also emphasized once again our commitment to the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact and to the Sustainable Development Goals, which we have already been pursuing for many years. In other words, we now intend to make an even greater contribution. Last year, we succeeded in cutting our energy-related CO₂ emissions (Scope 1 & 2) by 27 percent in absolute terms (according to the market-based method) compared to 2018.

All employees support this endeavor – our specialists in the development centers in Germany, the USA and China are thinking differently, creatively and from new perspectives. Our customers are providing daily input on what matters to them for the future and how tesa can play its part in helping them to hit their sustainability targets.

For us, as a company in the chemicals industry, pursuing a holistic perspective and a science-based approach determines our actions and is a matter of course. tesa employs more than six hundred scientists, engineers and product developers around the globe with the expertise to come up with innovative, sustainable products and processes. By focusing on technical innovation, we have our sights set not only on reducing our environmental footprint, but also on achieving sustainable growth for tesa.

I'd like to draw your attention to a few highlights of this year's especially interesting report:

Back to the Roots: Wir haben unter anderem neue biobasierte Paketklebebänder im Markt etabliert, die zusammen mit dem Karton im Papierabfall entsorgt werden können. Und natürlich befassen wir uns mit recycelten Materialien und arbeiten an Chancen, die sich aus neuen Rohstoffen für die Kreislaufwirtschaft ergeben.

Source responsibly: Gut die Hälfte der tesa Rohstofflieferanten verfügen seit diesem Jahr über eine Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung. 2022 haben wir zudem alle Naturkautschuk-Lieferketten überprüft.

House of smarts: In Suzhou, einem unserer Customer Solution Center, wird nicht nur die E-Mobilität maßgeblich befördert, sondern gemeinsam mit Kunden nach umweltfreundlicheren Lösungen gesucht.

Raum für Sonnenenergie: 760 Quadratmeter Photovoltaik werden in diesen Wochen auch auf dem Dach unserer Unternehmenszentrale im hohen Norden Deutschlands errichtet – weitere Anlagen in China, Deutschland und den USA sind in Vorbereitung.

Soziale Verantwortung ist schon immer Teil unserer tesa Kultur. Mit einer Spende von 200.000 Euro konnten wir Kindern und ihren Familien aus der Ukraine unverzüglich mit Schutz- und Spielräumen helfen. Insgesamt 3,8 Millionen Euro hat tesa bis Ende 2022 unter anderem für die Bewältigung der Corona-Krise gespendet.

These progressive actions stand out positively in a year marked by the coronavirus crisis, the outbreak of war, raw material and energy shortages, and rising inflation. And perhaps they also explain why we are fascinated by the topic of sustainability at tesa and are bringing even more creativity in our search for solutions.

I hope you enjoy reading this informative and inspiring report!