tesa trendpapier 7 / Idee 8: Gepolsterter Henkel / Aufmacher quer

Easy on the hands: Bucket with padded handle

Getting a handle on things. Carrying a full bucket by a thin metal handle can be hard on the hands. But it's easy to get a little relief with tesamoll® E-Profile.

Level of difficulty Original & quick
Duration 5

We need:

tesamoll® E-Profile

How to do it:

DIY Easy on Hands Bucket / Description

Getting a handle on things. Carrying a full bucket by a thin metal handle can be hard on the hands. But there's an easy solution: First clean the handle, then wrap it in tesamoll® E-Profile to your desired thickness and fasten the ends with Power® Perfect cloth tape.

DIY Easy on Hands Bucket / How To

Getting a handle on things. Carrying a full bucket by a thin metal handle can be hard on the hands. But there's an easy solution: First clean the handle, then wrap it in tesamoll® E-Profile to your desired thickness and fasten the ends with Power® Perfect cloth tape.