tesa trendpapier 22 / Idee 11: Hängender Garten / Aufmacher quer

Some Like It Green


Vertical gardens – indoor and outdoor – are the latest trend. Just like easy-care succulents. We have combined both to create a simple DIY.


Succulents often look like little works of art and can usually be arranged just as you wish. Since the plants sometimes even do without any soil, they inspire our sense for experimentation. In brick holes or attached to wires: Succulents – in our case Tillandsias – even grow where hardly any other plant could survive.

Upcycling provides the framework

tesa trendpapier 22 / Idee 11: Hängender Garten / Schritt 5

tesa SE

Clever upcycling allows our exotic Tillandsias to grow vertically. The creative holder consists of a simple wooden tray and wires to attach the plant. The Tillandsias are attached between the wires, and instead of watering, the succulents are sprayed with water.

Bringt Pflanzen auf die Höhe: Diese originelle Halterung für exotische und pflegeleichte Tillandsien. Sie besteht aus einem Holztablett und Drähten, die den Pflanzen Halt geben.
A mini jungle in your bathroom – The self-designed hanging garden offers a practical storage surface as well as a decorative eye-catcher. It is mounted with adhesive screws and can be removed at any time without leaving a trace.

tesa SE

"Since succulents hardly need any water, they are even easier to care for in a rather damp bathroom environment."
Alexandra Beck-Berge

DIY expert


Complete instructions and many more ideas are available here:


A small world wonder for your home

Although vertical gardens are often hyped as a new trend, the principle is by no means a modern invention. Just think of one of the most mysterious seven ancient world wonders, the “Hanging Gardens of Babylon”: The cleverly irrigated hanging gardens – which, according to the legend, were created by the ancient Oriental Queen Semiramis or King Nebuchadnezzar II – are said to have reached an enormous height of 30 meters. Today, however, historians assume that it was less a hanging garden by today’s definition, but rather several single terraced gardens.