
Innovative tape solutions for interior wall designs and fittings

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tesa® 62936 has been tested by TÜV Rheinland, Germany.

Confirmed the longterm adhesion performance after IEC 61215/61646 climate tests and a 85°C temperature resistance. 

Report No. 21209595

ift Rosenheim

Confirmed mechanical strength testing at low & elevated temperature after temperature/UV aging and after aging in water/cleaning solution.

Report No. 10-000666-PB01-K01-09-en-02)

tesa-ITC Mounting_Inset_FAQs_1440x1080-cms

We are here to help

Our adhesive tape experts are ready to assist with your interior fit-out and cladding projects. If you have any questions, need help finding the right wall adhesive tape, or have a particular problem you would like advice on, please get in touch. We look forward to helping you.
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Sign mounting
Decorative trims
Base rails
Cable channels
Decorative panels

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