Business Development
Here you will find our annual reports as well as current information on the business development of tesa SE.
Here you will find our annual reports as well as current information on the business development of tesa SE.
Corporate Turnover
tesa SE posted stable development in 2,023. Sales rose -4,4 %% in organic terms (nominal figure: 0 %%), to million. (previous year: €1,667.8 million).
Corporate Profitability
The operating result (EBIT) without special factors reached 266,2 Mio. Euro million, resulting in an EBIT margin of 16.0% without special factors (previous year: 16.7%).
Global development
tesa achieved growth in sales in both the direct business and the retail trade in Europe and the Americas. The development in the U.S. was highly positive, especially in terms of sales of adhesive tapes for the automotive sector. The Asia region, by contrast, saw more muted growth, due in particular to a slowdown in the project business with the electronics industry.