Achieving more

Collaboration is in our DNA at tesa; we have always found it to be the most productive way forward. Because when we journey together towards future-proof appliances, we progress faster. Your targets become our targets. One idea leads to another. And exciting opportunities are created.   

Our offer when it comes to adhesive challenges

01Customer Solution Center

Your nearest Customer Solution Center will deep dive into your specific adhesive challenge. They will test your individual appliance components and materials until a reliable solution is found. And if it does not exist yet, our product & technology development engineers step up and innovate for a tailored solution.

02Tech days

We also offer to create an in-house exhibition at your site. Our experts will give live demonstrations, guide you through our world of adhesive solutions for the appliances industry, and discuss how we can collaborate together to solve your specific challenges.

03Dedicated sales force

Our dedicated sales team is globally available and happy to visit you, and see how tesa can help enhance your product designs and optimize your production processes.

Take a look at how we work at our Customer Solution Centers

Nothing demonstrates our commitment to collaboration like our Customer Solution Centers. These dedicated sites in Europe, USA, and China, are where our experts will work alongside your teams to find or develop the perfect tape and application solutions for your needs. 

Please get in touch with your specific request for a sales visit, a customer solution center project, or a tailored inhouse tech day.

Let's go together

Share your adhesive challenge and put us to the test to find your tailored solution
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