Where one innovation
leads to another

Every challenge has a solution; all it takes is creativity. We are passionate advocates of innovation. From new materials to new designs and new applications, we are always thinking of fresh ways to meet our clients’ needs.

The future is here

It is to meet industry trends that we have developed a number of innovative solutions that each represent a significant opportunity for manufacturers. And our range of adhesive solutions continues to grow - we are always looking at ways to develop our offering.
If you should require something bespoke, please contact us, and we will work together to find a way forward.

Super thin tape
When bonding is required with minimal thickness inside intricate electrical components for example, our "super thin tape" offers a fast and reliable answer.
tesa ACXplus Application
Acrylic core tape
The perfect tape category for permanent and highly reliable constructive bonding.

Want to learn more? Book your individual consultation!

When you share the journey towards future-proof appliances with tesa, you reach your goals faster.
Our dedicated sales colleagues are happy to visit you, talk about latest innovations in adhesive technology, and see how we can help enhance your products and optimize your production processes.  
Alternatively, you can book a Tech Day with us. We will create an in-house exhibition at your site, and our experts will give live demonstrations, and guide you through our world of adhesive solutions for the appliances industry.

Let's innovate together

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