
Tape dispenser for
more efficient workflows

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Tape applicators for full process automation

Besides offering tape dispensers we also develop tape applicators to automate manufacturing and application processes in different industries. The automation of patch application with tesa® EfficienSeal or of the headliner assembly in the automotive industry are just two examples for our passion to collaborate with our customers and partner and by that to improve manufacturing processes. 


Tape dispensers: FAQ

How do you load a packing tape dispenser?

There are numerous methods for loading your packing tape dispenser. This depends on what model you use. Handheld tape dispenser guns can normally be pulled into two parts, and then you put the tape roll in the dispenser. The metal spikes give you an orientation on how you should position the tape. Bigger tape dispensers have similar mechanisms where you pull one part out and change the tape. Here, you should ensure that your input for the automatic process is still correct after the change.