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Grip tapes developed
for industry needs

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Highest quality solutions
Process reliability and efficiency
Clean and accurate application
Easily removable
Secure bonding, even at elevated temperatures


Grip tapes for industry: FAQs

What is grippy tape used for?

Grip tape is used to increase traction and grip on surfaces to improve handling and reduce slipping of materials. It is widely used in general manufacturing, warehousing, and printing. 

How long does grip tape last?

How long a grip tape applied on a roller lasts depends on machine speeds, material processed, and environmental conditions like temperature influences. Please contact our technical experts to learn more.

Can you take grip tape off?

Some of our industrial grip tapes have residue-free removal and can be taken off easily. However, this will depend on the type of tape and what it is used for. Check the specification for details.

Is grip tape waterproof?

Our grip tapes repel a variety of substances like adhesives or inks. Water specifically is usually not requested. Please contact our our technical experts to learn more.

When do I replace grip tape?

Replace industrial grip tape when it starts to show signs of wear, such as losing its rough texture, or becoming damaged or torn. These factors may comprise the tape’s ability to provide a secure grip. Although tesa® grip tape is robust, it is important to check it regularly for any signs of wear or damage and to replace it immediately.